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회사소개 당일발송/이벤트 자료실 고객센터
  • 오늘본 상품이









                                                                                                              Megazyme 홈페이지: http://www.megazyme.com

Catalog NumberAssay kitsNo. of Assays
K-ACHYDAcetaldehyde Assay Kit50
K-ACETAcetic Acid (ACS Manual Format) Assay Kit53
K-ACETAFAcetic Acid (ACS Analyser Format) Assay Kit550
K-ACETAKAcetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Analyser Format) NEW550
K-ACETRMAcetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Manual Format)72
K-ACHDFAvailable Carbohydrates / Dietary Fibre Assay Kit100 of each
K-AGLUAα-D-Glucuronidase Assay Kit50
K-AMIARAmmonia (Rapid) Assay Kit96
K-AMYLAmylose/Amylopectin Assay Kit100
K-ARABArabinan Assay Kit200
K-LARGEL-Arginine/Urea/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit150 (50 of each)
K-ASCOL-Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) Assay Kit40
K-ASNAML-Asparagine/L-Glutamine/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit100 (50 of each)
K-ASPTMAspartame Assay Kit50
K-EBHLGEnzymatic Yeast Beta-Glucan Kit40
K-MBGLBeta-Glucanase (Malt & Microbial) Assay Kit100
K-BGLUBeta-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit100
K-YBGLYeast Beta Glucan Assay Kit100
K-BETA3Betamyl-3: Beta-Amylase Assay Kit100
K-CERACeralpha: Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit100
K-CITRCitric Acid Assay Kit72
K-ETOHEthanol Assay Kit (New form kit)60
K-FORMFormic Acid Assay Kit25
K-FRUCFructan Assay Kit100
K-FRUCHKFructan HK Assay Kit50
K-FRUGLD-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit110
K-FRGLMQD-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit (MegaQuant TM format)60
K-FRGLQRD-Fructose / D-Glucose (Liquid Ready Reagent for Auto and Plate)1100
K-FUCOSEL-Fucose Assay Kit100/plate1000
K-GLUMGlucomannan Assay Kit50
K-GATED-Gluconate/D-Glucono-d-lactone Assay Kit60
K-GLUCD-Glucose (GOPOD Format) Assay Kit600
K-GLUHKLD-Glucose HK Assay Kit220
K-GLUHKRD-Glucose HK Assay Kit110
K-GAMINED-Glucosamine Assay Kit50
K-GLOXGlucose Oxidase Assay Kit200
K-URONICD-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic Kit100
K-GLUTL-Glutamic Acid60
K-GLNAML-Glutamine/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit100 (50 of each)
K-GCROLGlycerol Assay Kit70
K-GCROLGKGlycerol GK Assay Kit70
K-HDBAD-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid Assay Kit60
K-INTDFInegrated Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit100
K-ISOCD-Isocitric Acid Assay Kit100
K-DATED-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) NEW50
K-DLATED/L-Lactic Acid (D-/L-Lacate) Assay Kit100 (50 of each)
K-LATEL-Lactic Acid (L-Lactate) Assay Kit50
K-LACGARLactose/Galactose (Rapid)115
K-LACSULactose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit100
K-LACTULLactulose Assay Kit50
K-DMALD-Malic Acid Assay Kit100
K-LMALQRL-Malic Acid (Liquid Ready Reagent)800/80
K-LMALAFL-Malic Acid (Analyser Format) Assay Kit1,380
K-LMALLL-Malic Acid Assay Kit116
K-LMALRL-Malic Acid Assay Kit58
K-LMALMQL-Malic Acid Kit (MegaQuant TM format)60
K-MALTAMalt Amylase Assay Kit100 (50 of each)
K-MASUGMaltose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit100
K-MANOLD-Mannitol/L-Arabitol Assay Kit60
K-MANGLD-Mannose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit55
K-PECIDPectin Identification Assay Kit500
K-PHYTPhytic Acid/Total Phosphorus50
K-PANOPAPrimary Amino Nitrogen (PANOPA) Assay Kit100
K-PYRUVPyruvic Acid Assay Kit100
K-RAFGARaffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit120
K-RSTARResistant Starch Assay Kit100
K-RSTCLResistant Starch Control Flours Kit5 samples
K-RHAML-Rhamnose Assay Kit50
K-SORBD-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit58
K-SDAMStarch Damage Assay Kit200
K-SUCCSuccinic Acid Assay Kit20
K-SUFRGSucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose150 (50 of each)
K-SUCGLSucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit250
K-SULPHTotal and Free Sulphite Assay Kit40 of each
K-TSULPHTotal Sulphite Assay Kit80
K-ETSULPHTotal Sulphite (Enzymatic) Kit0
K-TARTTartaric Acid Kit200
K-INTDFIntegrated Total Dietary Fibre Kit100
K-TDFRTotal Dietary Fibre Assay Kit200
K-TDFCTotal Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit6 samples
K-TSTATotal Starch (AA/AMG) Assay Kit100
K-TSCKTotal Starch Control Flours Kit5 samples
K-TSULPHTotal Sulphite Assay Kit80 manual/800auto
K-TREHTrehalose Assay Kit100
K-URAMRUrea/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit100 (50 of each)
K-XYLSXylanase Assay Kit (Xylazyme AX)200
K-AZOWAXXylanase Assay Kit (Azo-Wax)200
K-XYLOSED-Xylose assay Kit100
Catalog Number REAGENT MIXTURESQuantity
R-AMHR4Amylase HR Reagent4 vials
R-AMGR3Amyloglucosidase Assay Reagent4 vials
R-BAMR3Beta-Amylase Assay Reagent4 vials
R-CAAR4Ceralpha a: -Amylase Reagent4 vials
R-GLC4Glucose Determination Reagent4 vials
Catalog Number ENZYMESUnits
E-ARBACJArabinase (C.japonicus)3,000
E-ABFCJArabinofuranosidase (C. japonicus)500
E-ABFCTArabinofuranosidase (C. thermocellum)500
E-ACPECAcid phosphatase (E.coli)400
E-AMPKAdenylate Kinase (Myokinase) (prokaryote)10,000
E-ADHECAlcohol dehydrogenase (E. coli)1,000
E-DIPEPAlpha-Aspartyl dipeptidase (E. coli)2,000
E-AXEAOAcetylxylan esterase (Orpinomyces sp.)1,000
E-AXEAOBAcetylxylan esterase (Orpinomyces sp.) Bulk3,000
E-ACSBSAcetyl-CoA Synthetase (B. subtilis)250
E-ANAGMα-N-Acetylgalactosylaminidase (microbial)2
E-OGLYEFendo-α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase (E. faecalis)100
E-BNAHEXβ-N-Acetylhexosaminidase (microbial)5
E-ALPECAlkaline Phosphatase (E. coli)400
E-ANAAMAlpha-Amylase (A. oryzae)20,000
E-BLAAMAlpha-Amylase (B. licheniformis)120,000
E-BLAAM100Alpha-Amylase (B. licheniformis)300,000
E-PANAAAlpha-Amylase (Porcine pancreas)2 g
E-BARBLb-Amylase (Barley)100,000
E-BARBPb-Amylase (Barley)2 g
E-BAMBCb-Amylase (B. cereus)20,000
E-AMGDFAmyloglucosidase (A. niger)140,000
E-AMGDF100Amyloglucosidase (A. niger)326,000
E-AMGPUAmyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.)5,000
E-EARABendo-Arabinanase (A. niger)140
E-AFASEa-L-Arabinofuranosidase (A. niger)300
E-AFAM2a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (novel specificity)400
E-ASNECAsparaginase (E. coli)400
E-CBHICellobiohydrolase I (T. longibrachiatum)20 mg
E-CELANCellulase (endo-1,4-B-D-Glucanase) (A. niger)2,000
E-CELBACellulase (endo-1,4-B-D-Glucanase) (B. amyloliquefaciens)3,500
E-CELTECellulase (endo-1,4-B-D-Glucanase) (T. emersonii)2,000
E-CELTRCellulase (endo-1,4-B-D-Glucanase) (T. longibrachiatum)1,000
E-CELTMCellulase (endo-1,4-B-D-Glucanase) (T. maritima)2,000
E-CITECCitrate Synthase (E.coli)2,500
E-CREACreatinase (Bacillus sp.)350
E-CMPKCytidylate Kinase (prokaryote)500
E-DIAECDiaphorase (E. coli)1,000
E-FAEZCTFeruloyl Esterase (C.thermocellum)10
E-FAERUFeruloyl Esterase (Rumen microorganism)1,000
E-FDHCBFormate dehydrogenase (C.boidini)300
E-FUCTMa-Fucosidase (Thermostable) (T. Maritima)10
E-EGALNendo-1,4-b-D-Galactanase (A. niger)1,000
E-GALCTendo-1,4-b-D-Galactanase (C. thermocellum)350
E-GALCJendo-1,4-b-D-Galactanase (C. japonicus)1,500
E-GALDHGalactose Dehydrogenase (soil prokaryote)200
E-GALMUTGalactose Dehydrogenase / Galactose Mutarotase 
E-AGLANa-Galactosidase (A. niger)2,000
E-AGLGUa-Galactosidase (Guar)1,000
E-BGLANb-Galactosidase (A. niger)8,000
E-LACTSb-Galactosidase (Lactase) (K. fragilis)4,000
E-LAMSEendo-1,3-b-D-Glucanase (Trichoderma sp.)100
E-LICACTendo-1,3-(4)-D-Glucanase (C.thermocellum)5,000
E-LAMHVendo-1,3-β-Glucanase (Barley)5,000
E-EXG5AOexo-1,3-β-Glucanase (Aspergillus oryzae) (Recombinant)500/40℃
E-EXBGLexo-1,3-b-D- Glucanase (Trichoderma sp.)200
E-EXBGTVexo-1,3-β-Glucanase (Trichoderma virens) (Recombinant)400/50℃; ~ 260/40℃
E-EXBGOSexo-1,3-b-D- Glucanase (Trichoderma sp.) + Beta Glucosidase (A. niger)300 / 60
E-GLUKECGluconokinase (Gluconate kinase) (E. coli)1,500
E-GPDH5Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E. coli) NEW5,000
E-GPDHECGlucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E. coli)5,000
E-MALTSa-Glucosidase (Maltase) (yeast)2,000
E-TSAGLa-Glucosidase (B. stearothermophilus)1,500
E-TSAGSa-Glucosidase (B. stearothermophilus)3KU, 40oC; 6KU, 60oC
E-TRNGLa-Glucosidase (Transglucosidase) (A. niger)2,000
E-OAGUMOligo-α-1,6-Glucosidase (Microbial)3000-40℃
E-BGLUCb-Glucosidase (A. niger)200
E-BGOSAGb-Glucosidase (Agrobacterium sp.)600
E-BGOSTMb-Glucosidase (thermostable) (T. maritima)230
E-GOTECGlutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (E. coli)5,000
E-GPTBSD-Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase (B. subtilis) NEW2,500
E-GLUTECGlutaminase (E. coli)2,500
E-GOXCAGlucose Oxidase/Catalase Mixture (eukaryote)2 vials (200 tests)
E-AGUBSα-D-Glucuronidase (Geobacillus stearothermophilus)200 Units at 70°C
E-BGLAECβ-Glucuronidase (Escherichia coli)500,000 Units
E-GPOGlycerol 3-phosphate oxidase2,000 Units
E-GMPKGuanylate Kinase (prokaryote)500
E-HBDH3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (prokaryote)200
E-HKGDHHexokinase (420 U/ml) + G6PDH (210 U/ml)10ml
E-HYLSPHyaluronate lyase (novel specificity) (soil prokaryote)50
E-INDHBSmyo-Inositol Dehydrogenase (B. Subtilis)500
E-ENDOIendo-Inulinase (A. niger)200
E-EXOIANexo-Inulinase ( A. niger) (Recombinant)5,000 Units at 40°C
E-EXOIexo-Inulinase (A. niger)5,000
E-INVPD2Invertase (Powder) (yeast) 600,000 Units2g
E-INVPD5Invertase (Powder) (yeast) 1,500,000 Units5g
E-INVRTInvertase (ß-Fructofuranosidase) (yeast)200,000
E-ISAMYIsoamylase (Glycogen 6-glucanohydrolase)1,000
E-ICDHBSIsocitrate dehydrogenase (B. subtilis)2,000
E-DLDHLMD-Lactate dehydrogenase (L. mesenteroides)22,000
E-LLDHPL-Lactate dehydrogenase (Porcine)6,000
E-LICHNLichenase (endo-1,3(4)B--D-Glucanase) (Bacillus sp.)5,000
E-DMDHECD-Malate dehydrogenase (E. coli)200
E-LMDHECL-Malate dehydrogenase (E. coli)50,000
E-BMANNb-Mannanase (A. niger)500
E-BMABSb-Mannanase (Bacillus sp.)2,000
E-BMACJb-Mannanase (C.japonicus)10,000
E-BMATMb-Mannanase (T. maritima)250
E-MNHPFRecMannitol dehydrogenase (P. fluorescens)500
E-BMOSCFMannosidase (C. fimi)200
E-MASTMalt Amylase Standard100 mL
E-NADHPONADH peroxidase (E. faecalis)1,000
E-PCLYANPectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.)7,000
E-PCLYAN2Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.)7,500
E-PLYCJPectate Lyase M2 (C. japonicus)2,500
E-PGMα-Phosphoglucomutase (Microbial)3,000
E-PGIBSPhosphoglucose Isomerase (B. subtilis)5,000
E-PGIBSBPhosphoglucose Isomerase (B. subtilis)50,000
E-PGIECPhosphoglucose Isomerase (E.coli)10,000
E-PGIECBPhosphoglucose Isomerase (E.coli)50,000
E-PGDHEC6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E. coli)150
E-PGISCPhosphoglucose Isomerase (S. cerevisiae)5,000
E-PGISCBPhosphoglucose Isomerase (S. cerevisiae)50,000
E-PMIECPhosphomannose Isomerase (E. coli)1,000
E-PGALSPolygalacturonanase M1 (A. niger)5,000
E-PGALUSPPolygalacturonanase M2 (A. aculeatus)10,000
E-BSPRTProtease (Subtilisin A from B. licheniformis)2 g (40 mL)
E-BSPRPDProtease (Subtilisin A from B. licheniformis)1 g
E-BSPRT100Protease (Subtilisin A) (B. licheniformis)5 g (100 mL)
E-PTABSPhosphotransacetylase (B. Subtilis)3,000
E-PULKPPullulanase M1 (K. planticola)1,000
E-PULBLPullulanase M2 (B. licheniformis)2,000
E-PULBAPullulanase M3 (B. acidopullulyticus)5,000
E-RHAMSα-Rhamnosidase (prokaryote)3,000
E-SIALSTexo-α-Sialidase (S. typhimurium)25
E-SIALCPexo-α-Sialidase (Clostridium perfringens)5
E-SCOASSuccinyl-CoA synthetase (prokaryote)550
E-SUCRSucrase (Maltase from yeast)300
E-SUCRBGSucrase plus β-Galactosidase300 + 1500
E-TMPKThymidylate Kinase (prokaryote)150
E-TREHTrehalase (prokaryote)4,200
E-UAOUricase (eukaryote)300
E-XANLBXanthan lyase (Bacillus sp.)20,000
E-XYTR1Xylanase M1 (T. viride)8,000
E-XYTR2Xylanase M2 (T. longibrachiatum)4,000
E-XYTR3Xylanase M3 (T. longibrachiatum+B307)8,000
E-XYAN4Xylanase M4 (A. niger)8,000
E-XYLATMendo-1,4-β-Xylanase (Thermotoga maritima)7,500
E-XYRU6Xylanase M6 (rumen microorganism)8,000
E-XYNACJXylanase (C.japonicus)500
E-XYNBCMXylanase (C.mixtus)1,500
E-XYLNPXylanase (N.patriciarum)20,000
E-XYNBSendo-1,4-β-Xylanase (Bacillus stearothermophilus T6)2,000
E-XYNAPXylanase (A.punctata)40
E-XGP74Xyloglucanase (GH74) (Paenibacillus sp.)200
E-BXSRexo-1,4-β-D-Xylosidase (S. ruminantium)1,000
E-BXSRBexo-1,4-β-D-Xylosidase (S. ruminantium)3,000
S-ABG100Azo-Barley Glucan100 mL
S-ACGLMAzo-Carob Galactomannan4 g
S-AZCASAzo-Casein (Sulphanilamide Dyed)10 g
S-ACMCLAzo-CM-Cellulose100 mL
S-ACMCAzo-CM-Cellulose4 g
S-AZFR5Azo-Fructan5 g
S-AZFRXOIAzo-Fructan plus exo-Inulinase2 g + 4KU exo-inulinase
S-AGALPAzo-Galactan (Potato)4 g
S-AWAXLAzo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (Azo-Wax)100 mL
S-AWAXPAzo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (Azo-Wax)3 g
S-AXBLAzo-Xylan (Birchwood)100 mL
S-AXBPAzo-Xylan (Birchwood)3 g
S-AXYOAzo-Xylan (Oat Spelt)3 g
S-AZXGAzo-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)4 g
S-AZRHAZ-Rhamnogalacturonan2 g
S-RDARRed Debranched Arabinan (Sugar Beet)2 g
S-RPULRed Pullulan3 g
S-RSTARRed Starch5 g
I-AZAMYAZCL-Amylose5 g
I-AZDARAZCL-Arabinan (Debranched)3 g
I-AZWAXAZCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat)3 g
I-AZBGLAZCL-Barley Beta-Glucan3 g
I-AZCELAZCL-HE-Cellulose3 g
I-AZCHANAZCL-Chitosan4 g
I-AZCOLAZCL-Collagen4 g
I-AZCURAZCL-Curdlan3 g
I-AZDEXAZCL-Dextran (No. B-512)3 g
I-AZGLPAZCL-Galactan (Potato)3 g
I-AZGMAAZCL-Galactomannan (Carob)3 g
I-ACELLAzo-Alpha-Cellulose10 g
I-AAVICAzo-Avicel10 g
I-AZPACAZCL-Pachyman3 g
I-AZPULAZCL-Pullulan3 g
I-AZRHIAZCL-Rhamnogalacturonan I2 g
I-AZXBWAZCL-AZCL Xylan (Birchwood)4g
I-AZXYGAZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)4 g
Catalog Number POLYSACCHARIDESPack Size
P-ARABArabinan (sugar beet)8 g
P-DBARDebranched Arabinan (sugar beet)2 g
P-LARBLinear 1,5-a-L-Arabinan (sugar beet)500 mg
P-CMLACM-Linear 1,5-a-L-Arabinan (sugar beet)2 vials
P-ARGALArabinogalactan (larch wood)10 g
P-RAXYArabinoxylan (rye flour)3 g
P-WAXYLArabinoxylan (Wheat Flour low viscosity 2 cSt)3 g
P-WAXYMArabinoxylan (Wheat Flour medium viscosity 20 cSt)3 g
P-WAXYHArabinoxylan (Wheat Flour high viscosity 45 cSt)3 g
P-WAXYIArabinoxylan (wheat flour; insoluble)5 g
P-BGBLBeta-Glucan (barley; low viscosity)5 g
P-BGBMBeta-Glucan (barley; medium viscosity)5 g
P-BGBHBeta-Glucan (barley; high viscosity)5 g
P-BGCFABeta-Glucan CFA Standard (formerly FIA standard)4 vials
P-MWBGSBeta-Glucan MW Standard5 x 500 mg
P-BGOMBeta-Glucan (Oat; medium viscosity)5 g
P-BGOHBeta-Glucan (Oat; high viscosity)5 g
P-BGYSTBeta Glucan (Yeast; alkali soluble)2 g
P-BLDXBeta-Limit Dextrin10 g
P-BLDX50Beta-Limit Dextrin 5050 g
P-CMC4MCarboxymethyl Cellulose 4M40 g
P-CURDLCurdlan8 g
P-CMCURCM-Curdlan4 g
P-GALLUGalactan (lupin)3 g
P-GALPOTGalactan (potato)3 g
P-GALMLGalactomannan (carob; low viscosity)4 g
P-GALMHGalactomannan (carob; high viscosity)5 g
P-GGMMVGalactomannan (guar; Medium viscosity)4 g
P-GGMHVGalactomannan (guar; high viscosity)4 g
P-GGM28Galactomannan (Guar; High Visc, Gal depleted; 28 % Gal)4 g
P-GGM21Galactomannan (Guar; High Visc, Gal depleted; 21 % Gal)4 g
P-GLCMLGlucomannan (konjac; low viscosity)4 g
P-GLCMHGlucomannan (konjac; high viscosity)3 g
P-LICHNLichenan (icelandic moss)4 g
P-MANIVMannan (ivory nut)3 g
P-MANCBMannan (1,4-b-D-mannan)4 g
P-PACHYPachyman (1,3-b-D-glucan)5 g
P-CMPACCM-Pachyman3 g
P-PGALUPectic Galactan (lupin)4 g
P-PGAPTPectic Galactan (potato)4 g
P-PGACTPolygalacturonic Acid (PGA)9 g
P-PULLNPullulan10 g
P-PULLBHPullulan (NaBH4 reduced)5 g
P-RHAM1Rhamnogalacturonan I (potato)2 g
P-RHAGNRhamnogalacturonan (soy bean)5 g
P-XYGLNXyloglucan (tamarind)3 g
Catalog Number CARBOHYDRASE TABLET TESTSNo. of Tablets
T-AMZBG200Amylazyme BG200
T-AMZRD200Amylazyme Red200
T-AMZRD1000Amylazyme Red1,000
T-CCZ200Cellazyme C200
T-CCZ1000Cellazyme C1,000
T-CTZ200Cellazyme T200
T-CTZ1000Cellazyme T1,000
T-XYZ200Xylazyme (100 mg tablets)200
T-XYZ1000Xylazyme (100 mg tablets)1,000
T-XAX200Xylazyme AX (60 mg tablets)200
T-XAX1000Xylazyme AX (60 mg tablets)1,000
Catalog Number PROTEASE TABLET TESTSNo. of Tablets
T-PRAK200Protazyme AK200
T-PRAK1000Protazyme AK1,000
T-PROL200Protazyme OL200
T-PROL1000Protazyme OL1,000
Catalog Number GENERAL CHEMICALSPack Size
G-AMBHAmbersep 200 H+ Ion Exchange Resin2.5kg
G-AMBOHAmberlite FPA OH Ion Exchange Resin2.5kg
G-CEL100Celite100 g
G-CEL500Celite500 g
G-CONA1000Concanavalin A (Con A)1 g
G-CONA200Concanavalin A (Con A)200 mg
G-LCYST200L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate200 g