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K-LATE / L-Lactic Acid Assay kit (50)
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    Megazyme K-LATE

    L-Lactic Acid Assay kit (50)






    - Publications -


    Megazyme publication

    Megazyme “advanced” wine test kits general characteristics and validation.

    Charnock, S. J., McCleary, B. V., Daverede, C. & Gallant, P. (2006). Reveue des Oenologues, 120, 1-5.

    Megazyme publication

    Grape and wine analysis: Oenologists to exploit advanced test kits.

    Charnock, S. C. & McCleary, B. V. (2005). Revue des Enology, 117, 1-5.

    Behavioural, physiological and biochemical responses to aquatic hypoxia in the freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops zealandicus.

    Broughton, R. J., Marsden, I. D., Hill, J. V. & Glover, C. N. (2017). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 212, 72-80.

    Reagent-Less and Robust Biosensor for Direct Determination of Lactate in Food Samples.

    Bravo, I., Revenga-Parra, M., Pariente, F. & Lorenzo, E. (2017). Sensors, 17(1), 144.

    Monascus ruber as cell factory for lactic acid production at low pH.

    Weusthuis, R. A., Mars, A. E., Springer, J., Wolbert, E. J., van der Wal, H., de Vrije, T. G., Levisson, M., Leprince, A., Houweling-Tan, G. B., Moers, P. H. A., Hendriks, N. A., Mendes, O., Griekspoor, Y., Werten, M. W. T., Schaap, P. J. der Oost, J., Eggink, G. & Hendriks, S. N. (2017). Metabolic Engineering, 42, 66-73.

    Microbiological Analyses of Traditional Alcoholic Beverage (Chhang) and its Starter (Balma) Prepared by Bhotiya Tribe of Uttarakhand, India.

    Bhardwaj, K. N., Jain, K. K., Kumar, S. & Kuhad, R. C. (2016). Indian Journal of Microbiology, 56(1), 28-34.

    Thermal inactivation kinetics of surface contaminating Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum-packaged agar surface and ready-to-eat sliced ham and sausage.

    Wang, X., Uyttendaele, M., Geeraerd, A., Steen, L., Fraeye, I. & Devlieghere, F. (2016). Food Research International, 89, 843-849.

    The antioxidant uncoupling protein 2 stimulates hnRNPA2/B1, GLUT1 and PKM2 expression and sensitizes pancreas cancer cells to glycolysis inhibition.

    Brandi, J., Cecconi, D., Cordani, M., Torrens-Mas, M., Pacchiana, R., Dalla Pozza, E., Butera, G., Manfredi, E., Marengo, E., Oliver, J., Roca, P., Dando, I., Donadelli, M. & Roca, P. (2016). Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 101, 305-316.


    Quantitative proteomics analysis of an ethanol- and a lactate-producing mutant strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803.

    Borirak, O., Koning, L. J., Woude, A. D., Hoefsloot, H. C., Dekker, H. L., Roseboom, W., deKoster, C. G. & Hellingwerf, K. J. (2015). Biotechnology for Biofuels, 8(1), 111.

    Homo-fermentative production of D-lactic acid by Lactobacillus sp. employing casein whey permeate as a raw feed-stock.

    Prasad, S., Srikanth, K., Limaye, A. M. & Sivaprakasam, S. (2014). Biotechnology Letters, 36(6) 1303-1307.

    Assessment of the influence of biochar on rumen and silage fermentation: A laboratory-scale experiment.

    Calvelo Pereira, R., Muetzel, S., Arbestain, M. C., Bishop, P., Hina, K. & Hedley, M. (2014). Animal Feed Science and Technology, 196, 22-31.

    Construction of a food-grade cell surface display system for Lactobacillus casei.

    Qin, J., Wang, X., Kong, J., Ma, C. & Xu, P. (2014). Microbiological Research, 169(9-10), 733-740.

    Histone acetylation regulates intracellular pH.

    McBrian, M. A., Behbahan, I. S., Ferrari, R., Su, T., Huang, T. W., Li, K., Hong, C. S., Christofk, H. R., Vogelauer, M., Seligson, D. B. & Kurdistani, S. K. (2013). Molecular Cell, 49(2), 310-321.

    Relationship between Fish Size and Metabolic Rate in the Oxyconforming Inanga Galaxias maculatus Reveals Size-Dependent Strategies to Withstand Hypoxia.

    Urbina, M. A. & Glover, C. N. (2013). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 86(6), 740-749.

    Identification of spoilage marker metabolites in Irish chicken breast muscle using HPLC, GC–MS coupled with SPME and traditional chemical techniques.

    Alexandrakis, D., Brunton, N. P., Downey, G. & Scannell, A. G. (2012). Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(5), 1917-1923.

    Production of L-lactic acid from a green microalga, Hydrodictyon reticulum, by Lactobacillus paracasei LA104 isolated from the traditional Korean food, makgeolli.

    Nguyen, C. M., Kim, J. S., Hwang, H. J., Park, M. S., Choi, G. J., Choi, Y. H., Jang, K. S. & Kim, J. C. (2012). Bioresource Technology, 110, 552-559.

    A novel lactic acid bacterium for the production of high purity L-lactic acid, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei CHB2121.

    Moon, S. K., Wee, Y. J. & Choi, G. W. (2012). Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 114(2), 155-159.

    Exposure to elevated temperature and Pco2 reduces respiration rate and energy status in the periwinkle Littorina littorea.

    Melatunan, S., Calosi, P., Rundle, S. D., Moody, A. J. & Widdicombe, S. (2011). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 84(6), 583-594.

    Sourdough-leavened bread improves postprandial glucose and insulin plasma levels in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.

    Maioli, M., Pes, G. M., Sanna, M., Cherchi, S., Dettori, M., Manca, E. & Farris, G. A. (2008). Acta Diabetologica, 45(2), 91-96.

    Improvement of lactic acid production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by cell sorting for high intracellular pH.

    Valli, M., Sauer, M., Branduardi, P., Borth, N., Porro, D. & Mattanovich, D. (2006). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(8), 5492-5499.



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