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상품코드 : K-INTDF
K-INTDF / Integrated Total Dietary Fibre Assay kit (100)
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    Megazyme K-INTDF

    Integrated Total Dietary Fibre Assay kit (100)






    - Publications -


    Megazyme publication

    Definition and Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Grain Products.

    McCleary, B. V., Cox, J, Ivory, R. & Delaney, E. (2019). “Cereal Grain-based Functional Foods", (Trust Beta and Mary Ellen Camire), CPI Group (UK) Ltd, pp. 103-126.


    Megazyme publication
    Determination of total dietary fibre and available carbohydrates: A rapid integrated procedure that simulates in vivo digestion.

    McCleary, B. V., Sloane, N. & Draga, A. (2015). Starch/Stärke, 67(9-10), 860–883.


    Megazyme publication
    Modification to AOAC Official Methods 2009.01 and 2011.25 to allow for minor overestimation of low molecular weight soluble dietary fiber in samples containing starch.

    McCleary, B. V. (2014). Journal of AOAC International, 97(3), 896-901.

    Megazyme publication

    Measurement of total dietary fiber using AOAC method 2009.01 (AACC International approved method 32-45.01): Evaluation and updates.

    McCleary, B. V., Sloane, N., Draga, A. & Lazewska, I. (2013). Cereal Chemistry, 90(4), 396-414.

    Megazyme publication
    Determination of insoluble, soluble, and total dietary fiber (codex definition) by enzymatic-gravimetric method and liquid chromatography: Collaborative Study.

    McCleary, B. V., DeVries, J. W., Rader, J. I., Cohen, G., Prosky, P., Mugford, D. C., Champ, M. & Okuma, K. (2012). Journal of AOAC International, 95(3), 824-844.

    Megazyme publication
    Determination of total dietary fiber (CODEX definition) by enzymatic-gravimetric method and liquid chromatography: collaborative study.

    McCleary, B. V., DeVries, J. W., Rader, J. I., Cohen, G., Prosky, L., Mugford, D. C., Champ, M. & Okuma, K. (2010). Journal of AOAC International, 93(1), 221-233.

    Megazyme publication
    Development and evaluation of an integrated method for the measurement of total dietary fibre.

    McCleary, B. V., Mills, C. & Draga, A. (2009). Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 1(4), 213–224.


    Megazyme publication

    An integrated procedure for the measurement of total dietary fibre (including resistant starch), non-digestible oligosaccharides and available carbohydrates.

    McCleary, B. V. (2007). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 389(1), 291-308.


    Megazyme publication

    Dietary fiber and available carbohydrates.

    McCleary, B. V. & Rossiter, P. C. (2007). “Dietary Fiber: An International Perspective for Harmonization of Health Benefits and Energy Values”, (Dennis T. Gordon and Toshinao Goda, Eds.), AACC International, Inc., pp. 31-59.


    Megazyme publication
    Measurement of novel dietary fibres.

    McCleary, B. V. & Rossiter, P. (2004). Journal of AOAC International, 87(3), 707-717.


    Megazyme publication
    Dietary fibre analysis.

    McCleary, B. V. (2003). Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 62, 3-9.


    Megazyme publication

    Measurement of dietary fibre components: the importance of enzyme purity, activity and specificity.

    McCleary, B. V. (2001), “Advanced Dietary Fibre Technology”, (B. V. McCleary and L. Prosky, Eds.), Blackwell Science, Oxford, U.K., pp. 89-105.

    Megazyme publication

    Two issues in dietary fiber measurement.

    McCleary, B. V. (2001). Cereal Foods World, 46, 164-165.


    Megazyme publication
    Importance of enzyme purity and activity in the measurement of total dietary fibre and dietary fibre components.

    McCleary, B. V. (2000). Journal of AOAC International, 83(4), 997-1005.

    Megazyme publication

    Measuring dietary fibre.

    McCleary, B. V. (1999). The World of Ingredients, 50-53.


    Megazyme publication

    Enzyme purity and activity in fibre determinations.

    McCleary, B. V. (1999). Cereal Foods World, 44(8), 590-596.


    Compositional evaluation of selected agro-industrial wastes as valuable sources for the recovery of complex carbohydrates.

    Vojvodić, A., Komes, D., Vovk, I., Belščak-Cvitanović, A. & Bušić, A. (2016). Food Research International, 89, 565-573.


    Effects of the sugarcane dietary fiber and pre-emulsified sesame oil on low-fat meat batter physicochemical property, texture, and microstructure.

    Zhuang, X., Han, M., Kang, Z. L., Wang, K., Bai, Y., Xu, X. L. & Zhou, G. H. (2016). Meat Science, 113, 107-115.


    Influence of high‐amylose maize starch addition on in vitro starch digestibility and sensory characteristics of cookies.

    Giuberti, G., Gallo, A., Fortunati, P. & Rossi, F. (2015). Starch‐Stärke, 68(5-6), 469-475.

    Dietary fibre fractions in cereal foods measured by a new integrated AOAC method.

    Hollmann, J., Themeier, H., Neese, U. & Lindhauer, M. G. (2013). Food Chemistry, 140(3), 586-589.


    Adaptation of the AOAC 2011.25 Integrated Total Dietary Fiber Assay to determine the dietary fiber and oligosaccharide content of dry edible beans.

    Kleintop, A. E., Echeverria, D., Brick, L. A., Thompson, H. J. & Brick, M. A. (2013). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(40), 9719-9726.




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